Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Getting the house ready...

So I spent the weekend getting the house ready to be put back on the market again. I spent a couple of hours with a little spackle and touch up paint. The most effort went to the deck as I restained it. I figured that the house should look its best and if I can take a couple of hours restaining a 16 x 34 deck (544 sq feet) that is lined with Cedar.

Coming from the NYC area, cedar was always considered something of a fancy wood. Lined your closets with it, made shoe trees out of it, maybe hangars. I guess since its pretty plentiful they can make decks out of it.

I hired a landscape guy to redo the mulch, plant some flowers and mow the lawn. I also hired one of those 5 person cleaning crews to scrup from top to bottom. Hopefully everything will be finished today, pictures are taken tommorow and the house is put on the market on Thurs or Friday.

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