Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Backyard

One of the reasons why we decided to purchase this house was for the backyard. It is clearly one of the biggest in the neighborhood. We thought what a great place to have two little boys run around. One of the unusual features of the backyard is that I had Bermuda Grass put in. As I stated before, I grew up in New York and I like the feel of Bermuda under my feet. I think its softer and feels better. It seems to do a little bit better with the heat and with a little less water. The front of the house is St. Augustine. Its kind of this weedy grass that dominates most texas lawns.

This was my son's first birthday. In the Korean Tradition, the 1st birthday is really important. There is usually a big party and traditional dress. Three things are set before him; thread, a pencil; and money. Whatever he grabs, that's what he will be know for. The thread represents life, the pencil represents intelligence and well money is obvious. We just moved into the neighborhood so we only had about 20 people that year.

Of course the next year, we had about 60 people at the birthday party for my second son. Of course I didn't think that Korean tradition usually calls for a bouncy castle, we needed something for the neighborhood kids. I think that the two pictures above really give you a sense on how big the yard really is. The Jumpy Slide Required at least 30 feet by 25 feet of space. And it was 3 stories tall.

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