Tuesday, June 5, 2007

My House for Sale

Hey Everybody,

Welcome to my new blog. My name is Nelson and my house is for sale. Its been on the market for several months and for whatever reason its not selling. We loved our house and loved the neighborhood so I thought I would start a blog to list the best and worst parts of the house. I think of it like a job interview, we get the resume, we like it enough to call that person in. We know that it has the requisite qualifications but we need to interview to get a sense of that person, see his/her character. The intangibles.

Let me tell you a little about my family before we go to the house resume. I received an offer from Tesoro Petroleum and started work for them in 2004. We purchased a brand new home from Coventry Homes in September of 2004. We loved San Antonio and our second son was born at the Children's Hospital in San Antonio. We have two boys ages 2.5 and 3.5 and that is a picture of them Halloween 2005 on our front stoop.

I received an offer from another oil company in the beginning of the year. It was a better offer, a chance to work with an old collegue as well as returning to my wife's hometown and the decision was made. We moved. By the way, for all of you guys out there, when the wife is happy, the whole family is happy. (Took me a while to learn that one.)

But that left our house on the market. We watched all the shows, we listed to all advice and we put the house on the market after we moved out. Since we haven't been getting that great a response, I thought what better way than to market it through the internet and listen to the feedback.


MelissaLG said...

Hi Nelson. Your home looks lovely. Kitchen is great. As someone who has sold many homes in this area, I think your main problem is "curb appeal." First off, your lawn seems to need a heavy dose of fertilizer. Trim the hedges. Invest in new flowers - are those tidal wave petunias? They tend to look mangled and weedy after awhile. Re-mulch the beds, redo the flowers -- make it look professionally lanscaped. Add a tree in the front - a nice sized one. You have them in the back, but the front looks bare. Milbergers has huge boxed pear trees $500 which incl planting. Also, in your price range (under 300K), you are competing w/ new construction. So attract buyers with all the things new construction doesnt have. Write your OWN flyer. Put the flyer in a box in the front. Make him run an ad. Do not rely on the realtor to think of these things, as nice as he may be. They just don't PUSH and market they way you can. Write a flyer that pushes all the extras you have that new homes do not - established, gorgeous landscape, TREES, TREES, TREES, that fantastic kitchen, blinds (a huge expense) etc. Hope I helped! We have been where you are! Hang in there!

Unknown said...

I love your home but I could not pay that much. We are relocating to San Antonio and looking to spend around 215,000. But it is a beautiful home